Person County Airport


System Capacity: 3 MW dc
Commissioned: August 2012
Location: Timberlake NC
Developer & Owner/Operator: Carolina Solar Energy
Utility Offtaker: Progress Energy Carolinas

In August 2012 Carolina Solar Energy completed construction of a 3 MWdc solar farm on 24 acres of land adjacent to the Person County Regional Airport in Timberlake NC.

The system uses 12,600 Shuco 240 Watt polycrystalline PV solar modules mounted on a Schletter FS fixed tilt ground mount racking system.

Five SMA 500 KW Inverters covert the DC electricity generated to AC current. The system has been interconnected to the Progress Energy Carolinas 3-Phase distribution grid.

The PV Solar system generates approximately 3,948,000 kWh per year.

This power production is equivalent to the annual electricity needs of 360 average NC homes and will offset 8,108,160 tons of CO2 released by conventional fossil fuel power plants.




Person County II