Frequently Asked Questions
How does a solar project benefit my community?
Your community receives valuable new property taxes. In North Carolina, land with solar projects is paying 2,000% more in property taxes than before solar. To understand the great impact of solar projects, see this county tax revenue report on NC. Most of our new projects will pay more than $1 million in new property taxes in their first 20 years of operation.
Solar projects also bring a large number of jobs while under construction. For our typical projects, 200-300 construction jobs are created for about one year. Wherever possible, local installation workers are hired and trained. Construction workers contribute to the local economy by eating nearby and buying supplies.
After construction is complete, you have a clean, emission-free source of electricity. See examples of our projects here.
How long does it take to return the energy used to create a solar project?
The energy payback period is only 2 to 3 years. Our projects use solar photovoltaic panels with crystalline silicon module technology. See these calculations by the US Department of Energy for this type of solar panel.
Can you use the land for anything else if solar panels are installed?
Yes! Many of our solar farms contract with local sheep farmers for mutual benefit. The farmers pasture their sheep during the spring, summer and fall when the grass is growing. The sheep control the grass so that it does not grow high and shade the solar panels.
A gutter is attached to the bottom of some rows of solar panels to collect rainwater for the sheep to drink. Goats or cows are not used because they might eat the electric wires or jump up on or rub against the solar panels.
What happens at the end of the solar farm life?
At the end of the long and useful life of the solar panel system, you remove and recycle it. You can recycle the component metals of the solar system - steel, aluminum and copper. The value of these metals is higher than the cost of removing the system.
Our projects deliberately install solar panels on driven metal pilings rather than concrete. This allows you to remove the solar panels and pilings with little trouble. The land will look as it did before the solar farm was installed.
We expect that the solar farms installed now may remain in the field generating power for 30-40 years. Solar panel warranties are typically 25 years.
What type of solar technology do you use?
Most projects use modules made of crystalline silicon. The crystals are “grown” from a solution made of pure molten sand. In fact, one of the world’s purest silicone mines is right here in North Carolina, near Asheville.
What should I do if I have more questions?
We encourage you to check out this information on our partners, qualifying land, and project examples. You can also learn more about our company here. You can also use this contact form to reach us.